Komrabai Dumbaya, Sierra Leone

I am a motivated and self-driven Business Enthusiast with five years of experience in the entrepreneurship sector, specializing in business management, organizational planning, sustainable forest management, leadership development and entrepreneurship. As a founder ;CEO, I’ve developed Wanwod Development Company, to become Africa’s Most Agri-Climate Centric Company to Fulfil Four Gaps: Hunger, Green Environment, Education and Inequality. I am proud of the dedicated time; passion I have given to this initiative and I am reaping the rewards through seeing what these eco-friendly venture is doing to combat life threatening climate crisis leading to poor yields, hunger, environmental and wildlife Extinction.

Wanwod Development Company: Our vision is to become Africa's most agric-climate centric company fulfilling four gaps: Hunger, Green environment, Education and Inequality. As a way of giving back to the community and also as a gender sensitive company, Wanwod Development SL Limited has also established the Wanwod Development Organization in response to mitigating the huge lumps of glass ceilings against women, orphans and the poorest 79% in rural areas.


Lungile Fakude, South Africa